This table can provide a general overview only. The rules listed may not be applicable in all circumstances. Where rules distinguish between domestic and international arbitrations, only the rules applicable to international arbitrations are reflected in the table. Key: Y = Yes; N = No/Not Available/None; ? = uncertain, discretionary, or only in very specific circumstances. For further details, please see the main body of this Yearbook or contact our local office for specific advice.
Country | Institution | Express Confidentiality Requirement | Expedited Procedures Available | Consolidation and Joinder Available | Time Limits for Award (if not expedited)750F[1] | Allocation of Costs751F[2] |
Argentina | Buenos Aires Stock Exchange Arbitral tribunal | Y | Y | ? | Set at preliminary hearing | Loser pays |
Managerial Mediation and Arbitration Center | N | N | Third party intervention procedure where party is signatory to arbitration agreement | N | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Center of Mediation and Arbitration | Binding on the tribunal and institution only | Y | Y | 6 months from date docket is passed to tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Arbitral Chamber of the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange | N | Y | N | 40 days from date docket is passed to tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Australia | Australian Center for International Commercial Arbitration | Y | Y | Y | N | Loser pays |
Australian Maritime and Transport Arbitration Commission | Y | Y | N | 4 months from notice of constitution (5 if there is a counterclaim) | Loser pays | |
The Resolution Institute | N | N | Y (joinder only) | 365 days from constitution of tribunal | Loser pays | |
Austria | Vienna International Arbitration Center | N | Y | Y | N | At tribunal’s discretion |
Belarus | International Arbitration Court at the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Y | Y | N | 6 months from constitution of tribunal | In proportion to claims granted |
Belgium | CEPANI | Y | N | Y | 6 months from terms of reference | At tribunal’s discretion |
Canada | International Centre for Dispute Resolution | Y | Y | Y | Unless otherwise agreed by parties, specified by law, or determined by Administrator, no later than 60 days from closing of hearing. | At tribunal’s discretion |
International Centre for Dispute Resolution Canada | Y | Y | Y | Unless otherwise agreed by parties, specified by law, or determined by Administrator, no later than 30 days from closing of hearing | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Canadian Commercial Arbitration Centre | N | Y | N | Within maximum of six months from date of pre-hearing, and at latest, two months after having decided to end the hearings. | At tribunal’s discretion | |
British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre | Y | N | N | N | At tribunal’s discretion | |
ADR Institute of Canada | Y | Y | N | 60 days from the time the hearing has been closed or all deposits have been made, whichever is later | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Chile | Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce | Y | ? | Y | 6 months from date of the respondent’s answer | At tribunal’s discretion |
National Center of Arbitration of Chile | Y | Y | Y | 6 months from commencement of the arbitration | Loser pays | |
China | China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission | Y | Y | Y | 6 months from constitution of tribunal | Loser pays |
Colombia | Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá | Y | N | Y (consolidation only) | 6 months from filing of respondent’s answer | Loser pays |
Czech Republic | Arbitration Court of the Czech Economic Chamber and the Czech Agrarian Chamber | Y | Y | Rules provide for possibility of tribunal to allow participation of intervening party | N | Loser pays |
Egypt | Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial Arbitration | Y | N | Joinder is possible upon request of party to proceedings and if tribunal decides third party is signatory to arbitration agreement | N | At tribunal’s discretion |
England & Wales | London Court of International Arbitration | Y | Y | Y | As soon as reasonably possible | Loser pays |
France | ICC International Court of Arbitration | N | Y | Y (consolidation only) | 6 months from terms of reference | At tribunal’s discretion |
Germany | German Institution of Arbitration | Y | Y | N | Reasonable period | Loser pays |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre | Y | Y | Y | None | At tribunal’s discretion |
Hungary | Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arbitration Court | Y | Y | Y (joinder) ? (consolidation) | 6 months from constitution of tribunal | Loser pays |
India | Mumbai Centre for International Arbitration | Y | Y | Y (consolidation only) | None | At tribunal’s discretion |
Indonesia | Indonesian National Board of Arbitration | Y | N | Y (joinder only) | 180 days from constitution of tribunal | Loser pays |
Italy | Chamber of Arbitration of Milan | Y | Y | Y | 6 months from constitution of tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion |
Italian Association of Arbitration | Y | Y | Y | 240 days from constitution of tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Japan | Japan Commercial Arbitration Association | Y | Y | Y | 6 months from constitution of tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion |
Kazakhstan | Center of Arbitration of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs | Y | N | N | 2 months from constitution of tribunal | In proportion to claims granted |
International Arbitration “IUS” | N | N | N | 30 days from constitution of tribunal | In proportion to claims granted | |
Kazakhstani International Arbitrage | Y | N | Y (joinder only) | 60 days from constitution of tribunal | In proportion to claims granted | |
Kyrgyzstan | International Court of Arbitration in Affiliation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic | Y | Y | Y (joinder only) | 3 months from constitution of tribunal | In proportion to claims granted |
Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur Regional Arbitration Center | Y | Y | Y | 3 months from closing submissions | Loser pays |
Mexico | Center of Arbitration of Mexico | Y | N | Y (consolidation only) | N | At tribunal’s discretion |
Center of Mediation and Arbitration of the National Chamber of Commerce | Y | Y | N | N | At tribunal’s discretion | |
The Netherlands | Netherlands Arbitration Institute | Y | Y | Y | With due speed | Loser pays |
Peru | Arbitration Center of the Lima Chamber of Commerce | Y | Y | Y | 50 working days from conclusion of proceedings | At tribunal’s discretion |
Center of Analysis and Conflict Resolution of the PUCP | Y | N | Y | 30 working days from conclusion of proceedings | Loser pays | |
International Arbitration Center of the American Chamber of Commerce of Peru (Amcham – Peru) | Y | Y | Y | 30 working days from conclusion of proceedings. However, Tribunal has discretion to extend term for 15 additional working days | At tribunal´s discretion | |
Philippines | Philippine Dispute Resolution Center, Inc. | Y | Y | Y | 1 year from constitution of arbitral tribunal | Loser pays but arbitral tribunal may apportion as appropriate |
Poland | Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce | Y | N | Y | 9 months from commencement of proceedings and 30 days from close of hearing | At tribunal’s discretion |
Court of Arbitration at the Lewiatan Confederation | Y | N | Y | 6 months from constitution of tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Russia | International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation | Y | Y | Y | 180 days from constitution of arbitral tribunal. | In proportion to claims granted |
Russian Arbitration Association (online arbitration rules) | Y | Y | N | 15 days from issuance of order for closing of arbitration proceedings. | In proportion to claims granted | |
Russian Arbitration Association (administering proceedings under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules) | Y | N | Y (joinder only) | 2 months from conclusion of arbitration proceedings | In proportion to claims granted, tribunal is entitled to allocate costs at its discretion. | |
Singapore | Singapore International Arbitration Centre | Y | Y | Y | 45 days from conclusion of proceedings | At tribunal’s discretion |
Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration | Y | Y | Y | 3 months from conclusion of proceedings | At tribunal’s discretion | |
South Africa | Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa | Y | Y | Y (joinder only) | 60 days from conclusion of hearing unless parties, in writing, agree to extension or, in exceptional circumstances, appointed AFSA Secretariat extends such period | At tribunal’s discretion |
Association of Arbitrators | Y | N | Y (joinder only) | 60 days from conclusion of hearing or last submission provided that parties, at request of arbitral tribunal, can extend this period in writing signed by them | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Africa ADR | Y | Y | Y | N | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration | N (only conciliation is expressly stated as being confidential) | Y | Y | 14 days from conclusion of proceedings | At arbitrator’s discretion, with tendency to not award costs against unsuccessful employees, but to award costs against unsuccessful employers. | |
South Korea | Korean Commercial Arbitration Board | Y | Y | Y | 45 days from closing submissions or conclusion of hearings | Loser pays |
Spain | Court of Arbitration of Madrid | Y | Y | Y | 6 months from statement of defense | Loser pays |
Barcelona Arbitration Court | Y | Y | Y (consolidation only) | 6 months from statement of defense | Loser pays | |
Civil and Mercantile Court of Arbitration | Y | N | Y | 6 months from statement of defense | In proportion to claims granted | |
Spanish Court of Arbitration | Y | Y | Y | 5 months from statement of defense | Loser pays | |
Sweden | Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce | Y | Y | Y (under the 2017 SCC Rules, under the 2010 SCC Rules consolidation only) | 6 months from reference | At tribunal’s discretion |
Switzerland | Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution | Y | Y | Y | N | At tribunal’s discretion |
Taiwan | Chinese Arbitration Association | Y | Y | Y | 6 months from constitution of tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion |
Thailand | Thai Arbitration Institute | Y (arbitrator and institute shall not disclose the award to the public) | N | N | 180 days from constitution of tribunal (not adhered to in practice) | At tribunal’s discretion |
Turkey | Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Center (ITOTAM) | Y | N | N | 1 year from date of acceptance of appointment by sole arbitrator or date of first minutes of meeting of a tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion |
Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) | Y | Y | Y | 6 months from execution of terms of reference | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Ukraine | International Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Y | N | Y (joinder only) | 6 months from constitution of tribunal | Loser pays |
Maritime Arbitration Commission of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Y | N | Y (joinder only) | 6 months from constitution of tribunal | Loser pays | |
United Arab Emirates | Dubai International Arbitration Center | Y | Y | Y (consolidation only) | 6 months from receipt of the file by the tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion |
DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Center | Y | Y | Y | N | In proportion to claims granted | |
Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation & Arbitration Center | Y | N | N | 6 months from receipt of the file by the tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion | |
United States | International Center for Dispute Resolution | Y | Y | Y | 60 days from conclusion of hearing | Each party bears its own costs |
JAMS | Y | Y | Y | 3 months from conclusion of hearing | At tribunal’s discretion | |
International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution | Y | N | Y | 12 months from constitution of tribunal | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Uzbekistan | International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Y | N | Y (joinder only) | 120 days from constitution of the tribunal | In proportion to claims granted |
Venezuela | Arbitration Center of the Caracas Chamber (CACC) | Y | Y | Y | 6 months from terms of reference | At tribunal’s discretion |
Business Center for Conciliation and Arbitration (CEDCA) | Y | Y | Y | 60 business days from terms of reference | At tribunal’s discretion | |
Vietnam | Vietnam International Arbitration Centre | N | N | N | Within 30 days of the date on which the final hearing finishes | At tribunal’s discretion unless otherwise agreed by parties |
[1] For details of how the period is calculated and whether it can be extended, please see the main body of this Yearbook or contact our local office for specific advice.
[2] Only the basic or default principle is set out here. tribunals often have discretion to depart from the default position, or will defer to an express agreement by the parties to do so. For details of how the period is calculated and whether it can be extended, please see the main body of this Yearbook or contact our local office for specific advice.