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In 1999, Enron Nigeria Power Holding, Ltd (“ENPH”) entered into a power purchase agreement (“PPA”) with Nigeria, Lagos State, and the National Electric Power Authority of Nigeria. The PPA envisioned construction of electricity generation units in three phases, however, shortly after its execution, the PPA was deemed invalid by the Nigerian Attorney General and had to be amended. Phases I and III of the PPA were sold to another entity, while ENPH retained its Phase…

Recently, both the German legislator and the German Institution of Arbitration tasked working groups with a reform of the German arbitration law and the DIS Arbitration Rules. The last reforms in 1998 strived for unification with international standards. Now is the time to ask whether Germany should aim at further internationalization, or rather emphasize characteristics of German law that serve the users’ needs: time, costs and predictability. In 1998, Germany had, with some minor amendments,…

In Albaniabeg Ambient Sh.p.k. v. Enel S.p.A. and Enelpower S.p.A., No. 15 Civ. 3283 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 11, 2016), the District Court for the Southern District of New York concluded that Section 203 of the FAA and the New York Convention do not provide subject matter jurisdiction over actions to enforce a foreign court’s judgment, even where a party contends that the foreign judgment is inconsistent with an earlier arbitral award or agreement to arbitrate. In…

One of the central questions considered by the court in Barrier Limited v Redhall Marine Limited [2016] EWHC 381 (QB) was whether an arbitration clause from a contract (the “Main Contract”) between A and B had been incorporated into a subcontract between B and C. Background facts: The applicant was the subcontractor, engaged to paint the interior and exterior of Astute class submarines. It applied to the court for pre-action disclosure against the respondent, who…