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April 1, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
New York, USA
New York State Bar Association

The panel will discuss situations where: the insurer asserts that it does not cover all claims and wants the insured to monetarily participate in the settlement; the insurer states that there are strong legal arguments to be made and wants the litigation to proceed, but the insured does not; the insured wants to settle the claim late in the mediation day at the negotiated amount, but the insurer insists that it is too high a price and refuses to go along; the insurer wants to settle the claim but the insured objects due to their own business reasons.


Steve Adams is a Knowledge Lawyer at Baker & McKenzie, based in Global Services Belfast. His role involves managing and supporting legal content projects, training and knowledge initiatives for Baker McKenzie's Global Dispute Resolution group, which has over 900 lawyers in 72 offices across the globe. Steven qualified as a lawyer in Northern Ireland, and previously worked for an international law firm, specializing in commercial dispute resolution. Steven Adams can be reached at