A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation International arbitration in Mexico continues to be governed by the Code of Commerce, which incorporates the provisions of the UNCITRAL Model Law in its relevant section. The Code of Commerce was enacted in 1889, and its last amendment on arbitration took place in 2010. Mexico is also a signatory to the New York and Panama Conventions on the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. Regarding investment arbitration, Mexico is a…
A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation New amendments to the PRC Civil Procedure Law On 1 September 2023,…
A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation A.1.1. The arbitration reform has come into force On 25 April 2023,…
A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation There are no developments with respect to the Dutch laws on international arbitration. A.2 Institutions, rules and infrastructure The Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI) is the largest arbitration institute in the Netherlands. The NAI has its own arbitration rules, which can be found on its website (https://nai.nl/nai-arbitration-rules-and-explanation/). The NAI was expected to introduce new NAI Arbitration Rules in 2023. The rules are not yet in force but do contain some…
A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation International arbitration in the Czech Republic continues to be governed by Act…
A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation International arbitration in Belarus continues to be governed by the Law on…
A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation Enacted in 2004, Republic Act No. (RA) 9285, or the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act (ADR Act), continues to be the principal governing arbitration law in the Philippines. It adopted the 1985 version of the UNCITRAL Model Law for international arbitrations seated in the Philippines and expressly recognized the application of the New York Convention (to which the Philippines acceded in 1967). The ADR Act has not been amended since…
A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation In April 2016, as a result of the reform of the judicial…
A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation International arbitration in Colombia continues to be governed by Section Three of…
A. LEGISLATION AND RULES A.1 Legislation International arbitration in Argentina continues to be governed by (i) the National Civil and Commercial Code (2015), (ii) the Law on International Commercial Arbitration (2018) and (iii) the New York Convention, to which Argentina is a signatory. No legislative amendments have been made since their enactment. A.2 Institutions, rules and infrastructure The Business Mediation and Arbitration Center created a Guide of recommendations for virtual hearings. Both the Business Centre…